The Smith Family’s Lake Louisa Family Session was an absolute blast. World, Meet Tucker! When Dominique texted me “We got a puppy, I need some updated family photos!” My heart burst with excitement. One of my favorite families PLUS a Golden Doodle puppy?! I’m down! I knew right away that Lake Louisa State Park would be the perfect place for their session, so that there was plenty of open land and few distractions for the little guy.
It is truly the best feeling when you have clients return to you to capture milestones in their life. I had the pleasure of photographing The Smith Family last fall at Disney’s Boardwalk resort (you can view their session here). Their previous session was one of my absolute favorites, as we got to adventure around the Boardwalk and ended with ice cream together. I knew right away that this session was going to be so much fun!
The typical summer rain here in Florida tried to mess with our plans, but we waited it out in our cars for about 30 minutes, and i’m so glad we did. The weather cleared up and we had a BLAST! Avery is almost 3 and she and Tucker are hilarious together (you’ll see what I mean when you keep scrolling- but don’t worry, no one was hurt during this session!) Dominique told me they were quite the entertainment duo, and she wasn’t kidding!
If you’ve ever asked yourself “should I bring my dog to family photos,” the answer is always YES! I’m so excited to share some of my favorites from The Smith Family’s Lake Louisa Family Session on the blog today! I hope they bring a smile to your face as much as they did for me. 🙂
Interested in a family portrait session? Click here and let’s chat!
Photographer: Leslie Page Photography
Session Location: Lake Louisa State Park